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Written tests
Note for all contestants in written testing: You are responsible for bringing as many No. 2 pencils as you may need to take these tests. Scantron answer sheets will be used for all tests except Spelling.
Advantaged Written Test: Three entries per school (Advantaged Speakers only). Multiple-choice test (100 questions, 20 each in the areas of culture, grammar, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and vocabulary) plus spelling test (20 questions). The test will be given ONE time on the day of contest and will take approximately 90 minutes. It must be completed in one sitting.
Culture: Three entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Multiple-choice, scantron test. All materials will be taken from AMSCO: Level One (Erstes Buch); AMSCO: Level Two (1985); Komm mit! (I, II, and III)and any or all sources listed under the Pass auf! category. The level 3 and 4 tests will be in German.
Grammar: Three entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Multiple-choice, scantron test. See description of Culture test for the sources to be used. Add: Any texts or books you may have.
Listening Comprehension: Three entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Multiple-choice, scantron test. Listen to recorded items in German and answer questions about the content of the information you heard. Levels 1 and 2 take the same test and Levels 3 and 4 take the same test, but they are ranked separately for each level.
Reading Comprehension: Three entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Multiple-choice, scantron test. The test will consist of questions about a series of short readings. Questions will generally be in German.
Spelling: Two entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Levels 1 and 2 take the same test and Levels 3 and 4 take the same test, but they are ranked separately for each level. A series of words will be called out in German (the speaker will say the word, its part of speech, a sentence using the word, and the word again). The words will probably be recorded, not called live. Contestants write the called words on their answer sheets. Spelling (including umlauts) and capitalization (nouns capitalized, other parts of speech not capitalized) must be perfect in order to receive credit for a given item. Spelling lists are based on the glossaries in the back of all German textbooks.
Timed Writing: 2 contestants per level, per school (Levels 1 and 2 only)
The contestants will have 25 minutes to write a response to a prompt that is appropriate for their level of German. All contestants in each level will have the same prompt, but the prompts will change from year to year. The contestants may not use any print or electronic aids (phones, dictionaries, etc.). Either one or two writing sessions will be offered early in the day to allow sufficient time for judging.
Vocabulary: Three entries per school per level: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4. Multiple-choice, scantron test. Vocabulary will be taken from approved textbooks on the appropriate level. The test will consist mostly of items in which you choose the correct English meaning for a given German word, but other formats are possible as well.
Explanation for Proctors
Written Test proctors
Category | Number of entries per school | +Levels+ | *Timed* |
List Comp 1-2 | 3 on each level | + | * |
List Comp 3-4 | 3 on each level | + | * |
Spelling 1-2 | 2 on each level | + | * |
Spelling 3-4 | 2 on each level | + | * |
Reading Comp 1-2 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Reading Comp 3-4 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Vocabulary 1-2 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Vocabulary 3-4 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Culture 1-2 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Culture 3-4 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Grammar 1-2 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
Grammar 3-4 | 3 on each level | + | Given on each hour or half hour |
- Check lists of schools and entries: Refer to chart above if necessary.
- Protect answer keys with your life!
- Time the test. Students should be given only 20 minutes for the test and only 10 minutes for the tie-breaker.
- The tie breaker: Tell students to not forget to answer the tie-breakers. These are often very important for final rankings!!!
- When you being to test,hand out the answer sheets first.. Have them put their name, school and Level (circle I, II, III, IV)Before handing the student the test, make sure he/she has filled out the above information and then get started. (This procedure is primarily for Listening Comp and Spelling) Culture, Grammar, Reading, and Vocabulary tests will be given ONLY each hour or half hour, e.g., 9, 9:30, 10, 10:30 as students arrive up to 1:00 pm.
- No tests may be handed out after designated time on the schedule posted on the website.Be strict but fair.
- Grading procedure: You will receive a packet with sheets for listing the winners. You must fill out a sheet for each Level I, II, III, and IV. Please list the top 10 highest scorers. Usually, Level I and Level II, and Levels III and IV are given the same test, but Please remember to grade them separately.Only level I competes to level I,Only level II competes to level II,Only level III competes to level III,There are no “advantaged speaker” tests.
- Fill out the award assembly sheet. Rank the entries first through tenth place. Schools receive sweepstakes points for these rankings. Please write the names carefully and legibly, as this sheet is used to read names for the awards assembly. Do not to leave campus until you have turned in the award assembly sheet to the tab room and been cleared by them.
- The coordinators for your area are in the scantron room in the event you need more forms or have any questions.
Your donation of time, encouragement and constructive comments tremendously benefits our students and our German programs!