In the event of inclement weather, contest directors will agree upon whether or not the following procedures will go into effect, and a decision will be made on the Wednesday prior to the Texas State German Contest by 8 PM.
Schools unable to attend the Texas State German Contest due to above declared inclement weather may remotely submit students’ entries.
In the event that the site for contest, ie. Texas State University, shuts down due to inclement weather, ALL teachers may submit their top 2 students/entries for any registered event acceptable under the inclement weather remote submissions.
There will be NO REFUNDS due to inclement weather. Remote submissions are ONLY allowed when the director has declared that inclement weather procedures are in effect. Remote submissions will not be accepted simply due to students being unable to attend (for whatever reason)!
Acceptable remote submissions are:
1. All art events
2. All music events
3. All drama events
4. Oral testing – Directed Dialogue, Extemp. Speaking, Pair Discussion (via Skype/FaceTime ONLY)
5. All declamation events (via Skype/FaceTime ONLY)
6. Research Paper (via
Events that would be forfeited:
1. Sight Reading
2. All written tests
3. Scavenger Hunt
4. Pass Auf!
Instructions for Remote Submissions
Form for Remote Submissions
In the event inclement weather procedures are put into place, there will be a link to a form for you to list your remote entries and the links to their digital submissions.
No form is currently needed!